Sunday, April 5, 2009


this post may sound cryptic but i have tried my best to post my thoughts on the phases of life that i have gone and going through.
In the nature we see - summer and monsoon, winter and autumn, high tide and low tide, new moon and full moon, day and night, disturbance and serenity, light and darkness, existence and extinction. And the list goes on and on....

as everyone being part of this nature which has a variation. every individual unknowingly goes through this. if i recollect on a any given day there is always a sway of two things that one undergoes. having good time with friends and getting roughed away by others, felling healthy and feeling sick, feeling happy and feeling let down, break through in life and a break down in life, depression and hope fullness. finding some one new in your life and having the gripping that you may be on the verge of losing out.
its so astonishing that each and everyone goes through these phases in our life and in a cyclic fashion.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

What can be more surprsing !!!

the course of events that unfolded today took me with a sweet surprise. but towards the end i felt that this life definitely has many more to throw at me.

I happen to attend a wedding today, I was not so very keen in attending the wedding as I hardly knew the bride or the groom and the wedding hall was pretty far away. as my friend and his wife had invited and had email many reminders i obliged to attend the reception and meet up with few of frnds there.

After a very brief dinner I was casually walking around in the dining area when two of my friend's wife waved at me and called me. i noticed an empty chair in front them and i pretty much knew what was in store with them. i sat down on the chair mentally prepared to being ragged by them about my wedding plans.

For a while I was bombarded with questions from both. Later one of them in a mellowed tone "You know, for the past few months I have been searching for a bride for you....", tilting my head slightly and with a half smile I stared at her and took it lightly not knowing what was the real thing behind it. continuing the conversation she said "You know I had spoken to a female about you and to her sister too...". that sounded bit interesting to me I replied "o..h..k..a..y....". she replied back "the matters were almost like 50% done but... and do you know who she is ???". I spoke to myself in my mind "how would I know as I had no clue whom she was talking about ?". she proceeded further "the bride of this wedding was the female to whom I had spoken and that few of them already knew about it there!". closing my eyes and nodding my head for a moment i was stupefied.

well this life/existence has a treasure of surprises for every individual to be stunned. it all depends how one interprets it as a 'plus' or a 'minus'.
that reminds me of a zen saying "What ever happens happens for good !!!".