Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Getting a good night's sleep is one of the most important things. Body and Brain "recharge" themselves during sleep - so if you don't get enough sleep, you can't be at your best the next day.
Off lately lot of my people have complained me about my very awfully terrible sleep pattern, infact 'am posting this blog at very odd hour in the night. But lately i have started to realise that this is something not new to me but has been with me since my college days. My attempts to sleep at 9:00 or 10:00 were all very much futile though. Am I very much proud about this ? well whats the point 'am I trying to prove here to anyway ?
But 'am really not that sure if this is good or bad :'( medical science terms this state as a classic case of sleep related disorder. Recent study also indicates that each individual has a different sleep needs, so there is no hard-fast rule that everyone needs a 8hrs of sleep. A recent Gallup survey found that stress, pain were the most common causes of sleeplessness.
So is there a pay-off for not sleeping 8hrs ??? well there are many but i have already been experiencing these days and one of the most prominent thing that i can see for myself is the "short-term memory impairing". In simple words finding very hard to recollect stuff like names of people/place/things whom I meet or see.
Whatever its going to be or where ever this will lead but 'am sure I will get some few hrs of sound sleep tonight :)


Anonymous said...

hey hero, what are are you trying to convey, sleep less than 8hrs ?
now way...

UniMatRix0 said...

be wide awake 'n alert :P

Saumya said...

:) according to some yoga guru's a few couple of hours of sleep. it could be as less as 3 hours. So if you are getting atleast that much, you are doing good naga :)