Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Empowering yourself

An important aspect of self-empowerment is realising our strengths and bringing them into our conscious understanding.

To realise and review your strengths, sit comfortably in a pleasant atmosphere and let the body relax. Bring your attention to the present…focus your awareness on the centre of your forehead…Visualise yourself as a soul, a sparkling point of light. Listen to the sounds…close and far away. As an observer just register the sounds…renounce the habit of judging what you experience as good or bad… just let everything be. If other thoughts pull at your mind, just let them…and out again...finding peace. From this perspective of being a silent, detached observer, look at the thoughts, feelings and answers as they come, to the questions given below. Note the answers down. Recall the times when you experienced your greatest successes. List the unique talents or strengths which you made use of at those times. List the specific traits which you admire in yourself. In the opinion of your family, friends and colleagues, what are your strengths? List your most valuable assets. Now examine your answers and summarise. What are your main strengths? Analyse your strengths and weaknesses. List a series of questions which will evaluate how effectively you are using these strengths to elevate your personal and professional lives and what negative repercussions are your weaknesses having on the same. Which strengths, if acquired, would help me improve my stature at the workplace? Is any weakness proving an impediment in maintaining a healthy relationship with my family? Am I using my strengths to empower others? Does any weakness exist within me, which if erased, would enhance my level of contentment and peace? Note three strengths and three important roles you play in your life. Check if your strengths match the roles and introspect. Is there a new trait you need to develop? If a particular role is self-selected and does not match your strengths — is it a good role for you to play?

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