Monday, October 29, 2007

Felt complacent

Its about two years since that I had given a compelling presentation at work. Its more to do with the dwindling motivation at work place these days. It was a while since the audiences at my presentations had dropped their jaw. I wanted to make this sort of an event to happen as I was slowly becoming a 'falling star' in terms of visibility with senior management & popularity with associates at work place.
Nostalgic by the good old yesteryears of those very successful projects & the motivational talks at I sacrificed my weekend and prepared myself for the kick-off presentation to recreate those moments of my yesteryears & replicate the speakers from Facilely I was able to run through the presentation.
I could positively sense the audiences present there very much inspired, moved & motivated at the presentation. I turned more creative this time and served samosas & salted potato chips to all the audiences at the presentation. After the presentation there were accolades pouring in from all sides. Few were envious that they were not the elite group of audiences while few more were lot more envious about the creativity and the diversity that I had put on the contents of the my presentation and few more were hankering to recreate this sort of presentations.

My Visibility & Popularity has soared up few notches after this.
Whatever was the outcome, towards the end I felt complacent of what I achieved on this day.

[ there are no content-specific-pictures that has been posted to this post as its impossible to capture one's complacency it needs to be experienced or shared ]


Saumya said...

Awesome.. I'm so glad that you are able to bounce back into form :)

UniMatRix0 said...

thanks da...

MMmmm said...

This is terrific!!! Damn, I missed a rocking presentation....really glad that our soul searching is showing results...

UniMatRix0 said...

yes yes !!!!!

Anonymous said...

For the kind of guy u r....and the amount of work you do....u deserve visibility Naga....which Mgmt is not doing in the team...u keep doing these stuffs so that u keep urself always happy :o)